Conference Sponsors

Conference Program
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This year the AAU/ICSU will hold its 10th annual conference. The AAU/ ICSU conference is a joint annual event organized by the Association of Anesthesiologists of Uganda (AAU) and the Intensive Care Society of Uganda (ICSU). It has been held annually since 2015 except in 2020 when it was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The conference unites stakeholders, anaesthesia and critical care providers of different cadres and other healthcare professionals whose common goal is fostering growth in anaesthesia and critical care in limited-resource settings with the available and affordable resources. This provides avenues for networking as well as potential future collaborations and innovations.
This year's conference comes after global advocacy for Safe Anaesthesia and Critical Care Practices. Achieving Safe accessible anaesthesia and Critical services through universal health coverage has been one of the priorities of a number of the stakeholders in Uganda. Anaesthesia providers have pioneered many system-based initiatives to reduce avoidable harm to patients, largely through addressing the problem of human error. We believe that education in patient safety will empower all stakeholders to contribute with their share to ensure that no patient is harmed when they trust us to safeguard their life and health when they are at their most vulnerable during our care.
The conference will run from 6th to 9th November 2024 and is themed AAU/ICSU at 10 years: Milestones, Challenges and Opportunities in Anesthesiaand Critical Care in Uganda.
It will bring together different experts anaesthesia and critical care practices
to share their experiences and lessons learnt as they provide patient care in these important specialities.
- To facilitate sharing of experiences while providing Safe Anesthesia and carrying out Safe Critical Care in the different facilities where we provide our services.
- To provide a platform where we can share the emerging practices that are making a positive impact in our practice as anaesthesia and critical care providers
- To harness the opportunities for growth and mentorship in Safe Anaesthesia and Critical Care Practices.
- To spur and provide opportunities for research in the areas of Safe Anaesthesia and Critical Care Practices.
- The conference will summarize some of the current challenges and lessons learnt in providing Safe Anaesthesia and Critical Care Practices in Uganda, especially in the current state of the healthcare system.
- An opportunity for networking between stakeholders, policymakers and individuals to steward partnerships that could steer growth in the field of Safe Anaesthesia and Critical Care Practices in Uganda.
- Dissemination of locally done research to aid the provision of evidence-based patient care.
- A platform to showcase new products designed to improve patient care in the provision of Safe Anaesthesia and Critical Care Practices.
Conference Registration Fees Only:
The AAU and ICSU24 offers registration categories based on attendee classification and date of
registration. Details of registration fees in the different categories are seen below;-
CATEGORY | Early Bird Registration (Ends 31 st October 2024) | Late/Onsite Registration (After 31 st October 2024) |
Physicians (Anesthesiologists, Intensivists & others) | 290,000 | 340,000 |
Residents / SHOs | 234,000 | 284,000 |
MOs, AOs, Nurses & Others | 180,000 | 200,000 |
Medical Students (Inc. BScA) | 120,000 | 120,000 |
Pre-Conference Workshop Registration Fees Only:
Workshop slots are limited and confirmation is only through payment of fees
Research Workshop Fees |
Workshop Registration Fee: UGX 50,000
Event General Transport Details:
If interested, kindly confirm your attendance through the provided online registration link. Departure time from Mulago Hospital will be 5:30am
Transport Fee: UGX 20,000Note:
- This fee covers a to and fro journey to the conference venue
- AAU Members have a 100% waiver on transport costs on a first-come, first-served basis
Bank or Mobile Money charges are your responsibility- Cheques payable to: Association of Anesthesiologists of Uganda ltd
Bank Deposit details:Absa Bank Uganda Ltd, Plot 16 Kampala Road, P. O. Box 2971, Kampala
Shillings account number: 6004648240
Dollar account number: 6005226773
Branch code: 034
Swift code: BARCUGKX
Currency: Uganda shillings and US Dollars. - MTN Mobile Money Option: A registered user should dail *165#, select Payments, select Goods and Services on their phone, and then follow the prompts: Code is (AAU) Amount (the amount of money the customer wishes to send) Reference (eg; Conference Registration) Confirmation message pops up (that the information displayed – Amount, Recipient’s code, Reason – is correct) Enter MM PIN.
- Airtel Money Option: Send to 0701301036 plus withdraw charge of 5000Ugx Registered Name: Faith Akello
- - Kindly note that you are required to make to your accommodation reservations
directly with the hotel and this is available on first come, first serve basis.
- - Accommodation prices are bed and breakfast.
- - If you require any assistance in making or following up your booking, please contact us
at admin@anesthesiaug.org
Option 1: Conference Venue (Jinja Nile Resort Hotel)
CATEGORY | Price (UGX) | |
Single Room | 272,000 | |
Double Room | 430,000 | |
Triple Room | 585,000 | |
For bookings contact; - Please note to make the booking under code (AAU@10) Contact Person: Ms. Sarah Alungat Phone Number: +256 772 414608 Email: salesug@madahotels.com |
More details on accommodation options will be made available soon.
Dr. Prisclla Aceng Rukundo
Chair Organizing Committee
Dr. Sophia Namuwaya Menya
Chair Scientific Committee
Dr. Phiona Nansubuga
Educations Committee Chair
Other Committee Members;
- Ms. Rita Mbatudde
- Dr. Vanessa Nantale
- Dr. Bernard Oyang
- Ms. Sylvia Nabwogi
- Dr. Isaiah Kikwabanga
- Dr. Melissa Sekitto
All sponsors are welcome to bring branded materials to the conference, subject to approval by the organizing committee.
Sponsors are kindly requested to take keen note of the number of representatives allocated for your package of choice. Any additional
representative tickets should be purchased.
PLATINUM SPONSOR - USD 5000 (2 Slots Available)
- (NEW)10 minutes talk time during opening ceremony.
- Dedicated 20 minutes presentation slot in the scientific program.
- Company promotional video aired during session breaks (30secs video provided by you) & logo display during presentations.
- One complimentary virtual CME pre or post conference as agreed with the Educations committee.
- Acknowledgment as a Platinum Sponsor;
- During the Opening Ceremony
- Prior to and post event on our website & other social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp & YouTube
- (NEW) Full page advertisement in the post event magazine with part-artwork supplied by you.
- Up to 6*2 meters of premium exhibition space (All inclusions as set in the exhibition section).
- Up to Five (5) company delegate tickets to conference & other event activities.
- A copy of the events attendance lists & updated Ugandan anesthesiologists list if needed.
- Highlighted company logo on all marketing material both electronic & hard copy prior to event (e.g posters, banners…)
- Appreciation certificate /plaque.
- (NEW) Company profile (100 words) displayed on the congress website (duration 06 months).
- Company signage (provided by you) displayed throughout the conference hall during the event.
- Organization product sample or brochure (provided by you) distributed to delegates.
SILVER SPONSOR - USD 1500 (Slots Available)i>
- Company logo display in the plenary during session breaks
- Up to 4*2 meters of exclusive exhibition space (All inclusions as set in the exhibition section).
- Acknowledgment as a Silver Sponsor;
- During the Opening Ceremony
- Prior to and post event on our website & other social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp & YouTube
- In the post-event magazine with artwork supplied by you.
- Only two (2) company delegation tickets to conference & other event activities.
- A copy of the events attendance list.
- Highlighted partnership recognition & company logo on all marketing material both electronic & hard copy prior and during event upon sponsorship confirmation.
- Certificate of Appreciation.
- (NEW) Company profile (100 words) displayed on the congress website (duration 06 months).
- Company signage (provided by you) displayed in the registration area.
- Organization product sample or brochure (provided by you) distributed to delegates.
EXHIBITION HUB- USD 800 (Slots Available)
NB: Refreshment breaks are served within the exhibition area to encourage delegates, sponsors & exhibitor interactions The price for an exhibition booth includes the following: -- Up to 4*2 exhibition hub space with 1table & 2 chairs
- Each exhibition booth includes registration for two company representatives* (Additional registrations can be purchased now and each includes: Daily catering in the exhibition hall - morning, afternoon tea & buffet lunch).
- Certificate of Appreciation.
- Recognition on Congress welcome signage.
- (NEW) Company profile (100 words) displayed on the congress website (duration 01 months).
INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM / WORKSHOP - USD 2000 (2 Slots Available)
Share your innovations & new products during a special dedicated time slot.- Up to 30 mins presentation & 15 mins Q&A time.
- Hall rental, standard audio/visual equipment, display table.
- Session program provided by you subject to approval by the scientific committee
- Exclusive naming rights to the symposium and inclusion in the conference program.
- Complementary exhibition space measuring (4*2) meters.
- Certificate of Appreciation.
- This package is tailored to fit the sponsor's needs.
- This year's conference coincides with a great milestone of the association as we celebrate 10 years of existence.
- Every year, the AAU gives two anesthesia residents awards on excellence in academics research called
The Tindimweba Award
and excellence in community service and leadership calledThe Mijumbi Award
AAU & ICSU provide very low registration fees for delegates like nurses, medical students & Anesthesia residents. Supporting this cause will enable some delegates that cannot self-fund to attend, learn skills and gain more insight to deliver safer anesthesia and provide better care for patients ...etc. respectively.Contact secretariat for more information on registration fees; - admin@anesthesiaug.org Cc akellofaith03@gmail.com
CONFERENCE SOUVENIRS - Contact Conference Secretariat for Budget (In kind)
- The Sponsoring Company will provide 200 pieces of souvenirs bearing the sponsor and organizers logos.
- The items will be distributed as promotional items to specially identified or all delegates during the conference as brand reminders from the companies.
- Complimentary exhibition booth.
We will make every effort to ensure security is available during the conference though will not be responsible for losses incurred, theft or damage to materials.
Conference Speakers